BFC has teamed up with two very special artists to offer supporters beautiful hand-crafted buffalo candle holders and hand-poured soy candles with hemp wicks.

2016 12 01 02 001 Cha Cha CandleHolder 


A very limited run of five handmade candle holders, crafted in Boulder, CO by metal smith Cha Cha, are available for $125 each, plus shipping.
To order, contact BFC board member Justine at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

 2016 12 01 02 002 candle


Jennifer Johnson of Mountain Moon Glow has agreed to donate half of the proceeds from her hand-poured soy candle sales to Buffalo Field Campaign. Use the code word “buffalo” when ordering and she’ll contribute 50% of the sales price to BFC.
For more info and to order, contact Jennifer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 970-387-4107 & Let the Buffalo Glow!