Buffalo Field Campaign
Buffalo Field Campaign
Help Save the Yellowstone Buffalo!
official site of the buffalo field campaign
official site of the buffalo field campaign

So, you want to make a difference for the bison of Yellowstone national park?

You can help save the last wild buffalo by providing the supplies and provisions that support their defense in both field and office!

This wish list offers a great way for you to match your personal interests to specific buffalo protection operational needs. You decide how you want to make your own positive impact!

Do you love to cook but can’t make it to the BFC basecamp to help? Maybe you can send in some food or cooking supplies—or recipes! bfc wish list
Or maybe you are an avid hiker, but can’t get to Montana to join the buffalo defense patrols? Sending in some binoculars or clothing will allow you to support those activities!

We also know lots of you are “techies” and might love to help in our office…but can’t take the time off work. If you want to support that kind of buffa-love, you’ll find lots of office, tech, and media gear on this list that would enhance the kinds of things you might do if you were here!

In any case: we update this list periodically, so please check back for new options or feel free to call us at the number listed below. Please ship items to: BFC, PO Box 957, West Yellowstone, MT 59758, or contact us if USPS services are not an option for you.

Questions?  Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call us at 406-646-0070.

The fine print: Donations of material items are tax deductible to the extent allowed by the IRS. Please check with your accountant or tax preparer.

In addition to the items listed below, please check out our wishlist on Amazon. Register BFC as your Amazon Smile donation recipient and BFC will receive a monetary contribution for everything you buy.


Amazon Wishlist

Amazon Wishlist
As you purchase items on Amazon, please consider doing a little shopping for BFC, too!  You will find a whole list of “buffalo defense” items here!


Wish Lists

* Perhaps most of all, we wish for you to join us. Are you able to share your time, skills, and energy, by volunteering with us in the field to defend the buffalo? Kitchen Wishes

  • Patrol snacks & drinks: coffee, tea, hot cocoa, chocolate, trail mix, granola, dried fruits, more chocolate, nuts and nut butters, other chocolaty things.
  • Your energy, converted into outreach to your local farms and businesses that might support us with food donations.
  • Contributions of and/or gift certificates for bulk food from these local businesses:

Camp Maintenance Wishes

Office Wishes

Patrol Gear Wishes

Vehicle Maintenance Wishes

  • Black Widow 20 Ton Hydraulic Shop Press
  • Gift cards to O'Reilly's Auto Parts
  • Gift cards to Napa Auto Parts 406-646-7473
  • Walmart gift cards (they sell the cheapest oil for oil changes)
  • Gift cards to Jake's Automotive (West Yellowstone, MT): 406-646-9500. These will help cover vehicle maintenance, parts, and repairs.
  • Vehicle makers: BFC can field test electric vehicles in a harsh climate and mountainous terrain--and we'll do if free of charge!

Education and Outreach Wishes

  • 12-foot Backyard Theater System
  • Collect your friends’ email addresses, and (with their permission!) share them with us so we can add them to our email list and keep them informed of our important buffalo defense work!

This page last updated on: February 2021


Amazon Wish List

As you purchase items on Amazon, please consider doing a little shopping for BFC, too!

You will find a whole list of “buffalo defense” items on this

Amazon Wishlist