Buffalo Field Campaign
Buffalo Field Campaign
Help Save the Yellowstone Buffalo!
official site of the buffalo field campaign
official site of the buffalo field campaign

Did you know that—whether you live in Montana or not—you can get a special Let Buffalo Roam benefit license plate!?


Buffalo Field Campaign Montana License Plate


All proceeds from our Montana Let Buffalo Roam license plate benefit Buffalo Field Campaign, the only group working in the field and in the policy arena to protect America's last wild buffalo.


License Plates for your car - Montana residents only

Spread the word Montana Let Buffalo Roam as you travel with your beautiful buffalo-benefiting license plate!

Where and how do I get them?

Ask for Buffalo Field Campaign's license plate when you renew your registration or register your vehicle in Montana at your local Country Treasurer’s Office (list here).

How much does BFC's license plates cost?

BFC's license plates cost $30, which is paid to the County Treasurer/DMV office when you renew your registration or register your vehicle.

All $30 of your donation goes to BFC.

Buffalo Field Campaign Montana License Plate


Display Plates for buffalo lovers world wide

You can order display plates for your business, home, or anywhere else you choose. These display plates cannot be used to register or license vehicles outside of Montana.

  • For $15 you can get 1 personalized Montana Let Buffalo Roam plate printed with 6 characters of your choice.

  • For $30 you can get 2 personalized Montana Let Buffalo Roam plate printed with 6 characters of your choice.

  • Shipping is included for domestic orders only.

  • International orders please contact our office for shipping costs.


Order your display plates

Order your display plates through BFC's Official eStore or write a check to Buffalo Field Campaign and mail to: License Plates c/o BFC
P.O. Box 957
West Yellowstone, MT 59758.

Please contact our office with questions.

Be sure to travel in style wearing your BFC logo t-shirt!