Help Save the Yellowstone Buffalo!
official site of the buffalo field campaign


Jennifer Eberlien, Reviewing Officer for the Chief, Objection Response for the Species of Conservation List associated with the Custer Gallatin Plan Revision, (March 4, 2021) (PDF 365 kb)

Custer Gallatin National Forest Land Management Plan Revision Reviewing Officer Response to Eligible Objections USDA Forest Service, Northern Region (April 2021) (PDF 1.3 MB)

Leanne M. Marten, Regional Forester, Dear Objectors and Interested Persons letter (April 15, 2021) (PDF 176 kb)

Leanne M. Marten, Regional Forester, Species of Conservation Concern List for the Custer Gallatin National Forest's Revised Land Management Plan (April 15, 2021) (PDF 254 kb)

Animal Species of Conservation Concern Identification Process for the Custer Gallatin National Forest’s Revised Forest Plan (Post-Objection) (March 2021) (PDF 213 kb)

Process for Identifying Plant Species of Conservation Concern for the Custer Gallatin National Forest’s Revised Forest Plan (Post-Objection) (March 2021) (PDF 291 kb)



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BFC's goal is to stop the slaughter and harassment of Yellowstone's wild buffalo herds, protect the natural habitat of wild free-roaming buffalo and native wildlife, and to work with people of all Nations to honor the sacredness of wild buffalo. learn more yellow 2

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