Help Save the Yellowstone Buffalo!
official site of the buffalo field campaign


Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is targeting wild elk in brucellosis risk management actions.

  • Since 2013, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks carried out 26 brucellosis risk management actions for elk. (34)
  • 53% of elk in Paradise Valley have been exposed to brucellosis. (12)
  • Between 3% and 53% of elk have been exposed to brucellosis in the hunting districts encompassed by the Designated Surveillance Area boundary. (33)
  • The majority of the funding for Fish, Wildlife & Parks brucellosis management comes from federal revenue transferred from the Dept. of Livestock. Fish, Wildlife & Parks is also using general license and Pittman-Robertson funding. (35)
  • Fish, Wildlife & Park’s assistance to landowners is provided without having defined eligibility criteria for landowners receiving such assistance. (35)
  • “35 percent of the brucellosis response actions were carried out on land that either allowed no public hunting access or limited access to public hunters.” (36)
  • “31 percent of the management actions lacked associated documentation of public hunting access status of the land the action was carried out on.” (36)



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BFC's goal is to stop the slaughter and harassment of Yellowstone's wild buffalo herds, protect the natural habitat of wild free-roaming buffalo and native wildlife, and to work with people of all Nations to honor the sacredness of wild buffalo. learn more yellow 2

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