Photo by Stephany Seay, Buffalo Field Campaign
Hello, my name is Jaedin Medicine Elk. I come from the Northern Cheyenne Tribe. This last week me and BFC’s media coordinator, Stephany Seay, attended the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women's March in Billings, Montana on April 5, 2019. This march, that nearly 1,000 people attended, aimed to bring awareness about the mistreatment happening to our Indigenous sisters. It’s very important that something happens and that this gets stopped everywhere -- not just in America, but everywhere around the world. It seems like sex trafficking is just increasing rather than decreasing, and so far, there is no justice for these stolen sisters.
Photo by Stephany Seay, Buffalo Field Campaign
It's sad, it feels like no one in "Law Enforcement" even cares what is happening. Mothers and Grandmothers keep calling Law Enforcement for help but no one responds until it’s either too late or the families themselves find the missing person - dead or alive. Where’s the justice? When have Indigenous people, let alone women, received justice from the Department of Justice? I'm not talking about the help we get just for a few days to keep us where we're at. I'm talking about real help. Not help that says “Oh, your family member is probably just partying around" and giving us Indigenous people that stereotypical excuse on why they don't want to help us. The Department of Justice needs to help. Montana Governor Steve Bullock needs to help. These decision-makers must do something besides leaving it as it is; families deserve more.
Photo by Stephany Seay, Buffalo Field Campaign
What is happening to these sacred women is not much different than what is happening to the buffalo. Mothers, sisters, granddaughters, aunties, wives — captured, stolen from their families, tortured, raped, and shipped off to slaughter — all victims of this insane culture. Wisdom and relationships snuffed out; children of the Earth sacrificed on the alter of “civilization.” It has to stop. Justice must be served in a real and meaningful way. You can help by simply learning more about this, talking with others so more people know, and making a few phone calls. Visit the Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women’ page (Facebook) to get involved, and also contact Governor Bullock (406-444-3111 /
Thank you to everyone who is doing all they can to keep our sisters safe.