2015 - 2016 Mortality | Totals |
Total Buffalo Killed | |
Government Capture | |
Held for Quarantine or Slaughter | |
Buffalo Released from Capture | |
Government Slaughter | |
Tribal - InterTribal Buffalo Council, Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes, & Shoshone-Bannock Tribes Slaughter | |
Died in Government Trap | |
Died in Government Research Facility** | |
Miscarriage in Government Trap | |
State Hunt | |
State “Damage" Hunts | |
Treaty Hunts | |
Unknown Hunts | |
Wounded by Hunters & Shot by FWP/NPS or Died in Park | |
Poached in Yellowstone | |
Sent to Quarantine | |
Sent to APHIS Research Facility | |
Shot by Agents | |
Shot by Landowner | |
Shot by Idaho | |
Highway Mortality | |
Cause of Death Unknown | |
Elk shot under treaty rights |
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