Katie from Veteran Community Response (VCR), helping out with BFC’s Wood Cut. BFC file photo.
As Spring and all it wetness still lingers here in West Yellowstone we still are looking forward to Summer. The Buffalo have mostly gone back into the park. There is one small group of 10 adults and 1 calf out of the park and on safe habitat on the Horse Butte, thanks to Governor Bullock. The tabling crew are out in full force educating the tourist of what goes on with the buffalo when they are not around.
Darrell from Veteran Community Response (VCR) getting us prepared for the coming winter. Give thanks! BFC file photo. For the first time in my 23 years of cutting wood for the campaign all the wood is already at camp for next Winter, before the end of June. Most still needs to be cut up, but already having it at camp really makes the job close to done. The following people and organizations need to be thanked for their help. First off to my brother Dave who came for two weeks and worked with me everyday and help us bring all wood needed back to camp. Our volunteer Tina this year connected us with a group called Veteran Community Response. They sent out a crew of four to help us with the wood for a weekend. Thanks to Darrell, Kate, Rick and Diem.
Diem and Rick, from Veteran Community Response (VCR), doing the hard work for the winter volunteers who will come. Thank you! BFC file photo.
It was an honor to work beside these warriors that protect or country. Jackie a volunteer from a year ago came and cooked for us all weekend. Our crew also helped and all need to be honored as well, Geddy, Don, Toe, Max, Spencer and Dennis, all gave blood sweat and tear to help us keep warn this Winter. Sara also cooked for us while we worked. I am so happy to be this far along with the wood this early and it would never have happened without all of your help. We will think of you all this Winter when we are all warm because of you.