Buffalo Field Campaign
Buffalo Field Campaign
Help Save the Yellowstone Buffalo!
official site of the buffalo field campaign
official site of the buffalo field campaign

nathan varley buffalo field campaign advisory board 800Nathan Varley grew up in Yellowstone Park, the son of park rangers. He has dedicated his life to being a student, a teacher, and an advocate for the Yellowstone ecosystem.

Earning an M.S. from Montana State University, he studied the mountain goats colonizing Yellowstone. Studying the wolf and elk predator-prey dynamic, he earned a Ph.D. from the University of Alberta.

As a professional guide, he specializes in the natural and cultural history of the park, wildlife observation, and wilderness travel. With his wife Linda, he owns and operates Yellowstone Wolf Tracker (www.wolftracker.com).

For the buffalo, he has battled for over two decades to bring sanity to the process that results in the travesty known as Yellowstone bison management. His defining purpose is to champion a land ethic that places the highest value on wildlife and habitat, and in so doing, forever protect the places that have provided his inspiration.


Read about another BFC Advisory Board member - Dr. Samuel Weddington >>