Buffalo Field Campaign attended the November Interagency Bison Management Plan (IBMP) meeting, where state, federal, and tribal government representatives make decisions on how the country's last wild buffalo -- our National Mammal -- will live and die. The dire straights of Yellowstone's Central herd were not even on the agenda, but BFC's Mike Mease, Chris, and Josef were there to represent and would not let the Central herd be ignored by the people who have placed them in jeopardy.
Read the letter we hand-delivered to IBMP decision-makers (Letter to IBMP Status of Central Bison Herd-11-28-2017, PDF). This letter was also sent to Montana Governor Steve Bullock, Montana Director of Fish, Wildlife & Parks Martha Williams, as well as the Tribal Councils and Fish & Wildlife Commissions for the five Tribes hunting Yellowstone buffalo under treaty right.
In case you missed it last week, you can read our report back from the IBMP meeting here.