Buffalo Field Campaign
Buffalo Field Campaign
Help Save the Yellowstone Buffalo!
official site of the buffalo field campaign
official site of the buffalo field campaign

Hello Buffalo Supporters!

It is with great enthusiasm that I write this first update of On the Buffalo Trail, from the desk of the Executive Director. On the Buffalo Trail is a monthly update that I will keep you, our wonderful supporters, up to date on my activities for the buffalo. I look forward to updating you on the progress I make on your behalf.

february 2020 01 001

My family and I just returned home from attending the 3rd annual Rosalie Little Thunder Memorial Walk. The walk was attended by over 40 folks, anchored by honored relatives of Rosalie. The 11-mile walk was full of prayer, song, and sharing. It was empowering to walk in solidarity, and stand in prayer, with all of the attendees. Many stories were shared of the impact our co-founder had on the lives of so many. As we walked captive buffalo, horses, eagles, and many other animals came to bear witness. Our sacred steps were strengthened by their presence. We ended the day with a powerful prayer circle at Beattie Gulch, and shared a meal at facilities hosted by our Advisory Board member Nathan Varley. During the walk I made great connections with indigenous leaders dedicated to improving the life of the people and speaking for Mother Earth. I look forward to furthering important discussions that were initiated during the walk. So much more can and will be done to speak for Brother Buffalo.

february 2020 01 002

A few of the big issues I am addressing at the moment are: engaging with tribal leadership from across the country and Canada seeking to increase the awareness of the plight of wild, Yellowstone buffalo. I am also strengthening our relationships with tribes. As a supporter of tribal governments, it is important for Buffalo Field Campaign to collaborate with tribes on common ground and establish mutual respect. I seek to gain tribal support in amending Yellowstone bison management to be consistent with American values, wildlife prioritization, honor treaty rights, and to improve on-reservation wellness. Also, I am finalizing the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) legal complaint Buffalo Field Campaign, Western Watersheds Partnership, and Defenders of Animals have against the National Park Service. With the release of those important documents, we will continue to pursue justice for the buffalo. Next, I am monitoring federal legislation that impacts Yellowstone buffalo. Supporting good buffalo legislation and addressing the shortfalls in others, allows us to address our concerns at all levels of governance.

february 2020 01 003

As Buffalo Field Campaign continues to advocate for Yellowstone buffalo, please consider volunteering for us at camp. We would love to host you as we stand with the buffalo during the busy field season. If you can’t make it to camp, please consider donating to Buffalo Field Campaign. Your donations are the foundation by which all of our good work flows. I thank you for all of your support. Until next month, qeciyewyew (thank you) and have a wonderful day!

For the Buffalo,
James L. Holt Sr., ED
“The Earth and I are of One Mind.” - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce