Buffalo Field Campaign
Buffalo Field Campaign
Help Save the Yellowstone Buffalo!
official site of the buffalo field campaign
official site of the buffalo field campaign

march 2020 01 001
Hello Buffalo Supporters,

I hope this update finds you in good health and spirits. Much is happening in the world, and with the buffalo. If you read our latest update you know buffalo are being captured and shipped off to slaughter. This is always a trying time for our buffalo family. Our hearts fall to the ground when we see buffalo shipped off by the hundreds, to be killed at the behest of the cattle industry.

march 2020 01 002

In the face of COVID-19, our camps continue to run as usual in West Yellowstone and Gardiner. The forces targeting the buffalo are not taking a break, and so, we are also not taking a break.

Our camps are fairly isolated from the outside world, and we are taking precautions to keep our coordinators and volunteers healthy. We definitely need volunteers, now through the end of May, but we are reaching out to incoming volunteers and guests and asking them to stay home if they are ill or if they have had any likely exposure to the virus. We are offering to help people who were planning to volunteer find ways to help from home if they are unable or unwilling to come work with us at this time. We also recognize that media-induced panic is not helpful to anyone anywhere. Our planet’s environmental crisis could use as much attention and care.

march 2020 01 003

We will continue our advocacy and stand with Yellowstone Buffalo wherever they may roam. Next week, we will be filing a complaint in the U.S. District Court to reverse an unlawful finding by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service denying Endangered Species Act protection for the imperiled herds. As the country grinds to a halt, know that we are staying true to our mission. We will stay in the field and bear witness to the mismanagement of the Interagency Bison Management Plan.

We hope you remain healthy. Qeciyewyew.
James Holt, Sr.
Executive Director, Buffalo Field Campaign

“The Earth and I are of One Mind.”- Chief Joseph, Nez Perce