Help Save the Yellowstone Buffalo!
official site of the buffalo field campaign

On the Buffalo Trail 2020-2021

bfc on the trailHello Buffalo Supporters!

It is with great enthusiasm that I write On the Buffalo Trail, from the desk of the Executive Director. On the Buffalo Trail is a monthly update that I will keep you, our wonderful supporters, up to date on my activities for the buffalo. I look forward to updating you on the progress I make on your behalf. Qeciyewyew (thank you) and have a wonderful day!

For the Buffalo, James L. Holt Sr., ED

The Earth and I are of One Mind.”- Chief Joseph, Nez Perce

Latest News:

Bison [Bison bison] during breeding season (rut) ; Yellowstone NP, WY.  By Barbara Magnuson / Larry Kimball.  Submitted for CALENDAR ONLY.  Call 719-942-4798.
Aug 23, 2021

Wild Bison Must be Treated as a Public Trust - On the Buffalo Trail: From the Desk of BFC's Executive Director, August 2021

As summer starts to wane, times are becoming difficult and we are seeing coronavirus cases and mask mandates rise in my neck of the woods. On top of that, wildfires and extreme heat events have kept my family from gathering. read more
bfc banner can bison survive climate change
Jul 18, 2021

On the Buffalo Trail: From the Desk of BFC's Executive Director, July 2021

Good Day to you all. This month’s issue of On the Buffalo Trail is brought to you during trying times here in Nez Perce Country. Wildfires dominate the landscape and their smoke fills the air. read more
2021 06 22 01 001 obt june 2021
Jun 22, 2021

On the Buffalo Trail: From the Desk of BFC's Executive Director, June 2021

Tac leheyn laatiwaama (Good day my friends). I hope this newsletter finds you well. This has been a busy time for me and the Campaign. read more
May 11, 2021

On the Buffalo Trail: From the Desk of BFC's Executive Director, May 2021

I hope this newsletter finds you well. I’m freshly back from Buffalo Field Campaign Headquarters. I had a great visit with staff and our board member Whitni Nelson. read more

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BFC's goal is to stop the slaughter and harassment of Yellowstone's wild buffalo herds, protect the natural habitat of wild free-roaming buffalo and native wildlife, and to work with people of all Nations to honor the sacredness of wild buffalo. learn more yellow 2

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