Resources for FWB Fundraisers
Welcome Forever Wild Buffalo Fundraiser!
Below are tools you can use to help your fundraising campaign be more successful.
Forever Wild Buffalo logos
Click on the logo to open a large version for download.
Magnificent buffalo and their beautiful habitat. Post them on social media or in emails along with your plea to friends and family to help. Click on each image for a larger version.
Helpful Phrases and Text You Can Use
You can use these words/phrases for reaching out to friends and family.
- Please join me! We are the last line of defense for these animals. Things grow worse for them each year.
- Without the presence of BFC’s wonderful volunteer patrols and legal advocates…and without your support…circumstances for the buffalo would be even more dire.
- BFC is pushing hard to get “endangered species status” for the buffalo, but they need our help!
- When we succeed and gain “endangered species status” for the buffalo, they will not only have room to roam—but legal protections allowing them to migrate safely into the future.
- Are you ready to help defend the last wild buffalo? I am! Please join me!
- It is because of your help and my help that BFC is able to reduce the numbers of buffalo slaughtered even as they work to obtain permanent protection for this hulking, hairy, national treasure. Will you help stop this slaughter? Will you make a donation to my fundraising page to defend the buffalo today?
Quick facts about buffalo
How many buffalo are there today? As of fall of 2016, Yellowstone National Park estimates that the wild bison population numbers approximately 5,000. This population is comprised of at least two distinct subpopulations, the northern and central herds.
This is a dangerously small number when compared to the tens of millions that used to roam wild across North America.
Why are the buffalo killed today? Under the banner of "disease risk management" and the Interagency Bison Management Plan, Montana Department of Livestock inspectors and National Park Service Rangers intercept and harass buffalo off of their winter range and spring calving grounds and capture them in a slaughter program that has destroyed more than 6,000 wild bison since the year 2000.
Why do the government agencies intercept the buffalo? Each winter some wild bison leave Yellowstone and migrate across Park boundaries. Arbitrary boundaries are drawn and America's last buffalo are hazed, shot, or slaughtered for stepping across a line into Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming.
How many buffalo have been killed in recent history? Nearly 10,000 wild Yellowstone bison have been slaughtered since 1985 due to the intolerance of the State of Montana.
How much of the buffalo’s original range and habitat has been lost? Scientists estimate the buffalo occupies less than 1% of their original range and habitat in North America.
Are the Yellowstone buffalo in danger of extinction? The unfortunate truth, supported by objective science, shows us that extinction of wild, freely migrating buffalo is a very real concern.
What can we do about it? Buffalo Field Campaign is leading the charge to save these animals—our country’s National Mammal—by applying and fighting for endangered species status.
Quick facts about BFC
What makes Buffalo Field Campaign (BFC) special? BFC is the only group that exists solely to protect and defend wild bison. BFC has no other purpose.
When was BFC founded? BFC was registered as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in 1997.
What is BFC’s mission? To stop the harassment and slaughter of Yellowstone’s wild buffalo herds; protect the natural habitat of wild, free-roaming buffalo and other native wildlife; and work with all people—especially Indigenous Nations—to honor and protect the sacredness of the wild buffalo.
Where does BFC carryout its mission? In the field, in the political and legislative arena, in the courts, in the public mind . . . wherever BFC needs to be.
How does BFC carryout its mission?
- In the field: Our volunteers conduct regular patrols to track and locate buffalo; monitor buffalo movements; document herd activity; defend the buffalo (nonviolently); collect scientific data.
- In the political/legislative arena: We support a variety of efforts to inform politicians and legislators of the plight of the buffalo—and the importance of wild populations.
- In the courts: Our legal team fights judicial battles to defend the buffalo’s right to roam.
- In the public mind: BFC actively promotes the needs of the buffalo through various public forums.
Are my donations to BFC tax-deductible? Yes. BFC is a registered 501(c)3 organization; Federal ID #36-3964401
What is BFC’s contact information?
Buffalo Field Campaign
PO Box 957
West Yellowstone, MT 59758
Phone: 1-406-646-0070
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