BFC Volunteers continue to be eyes and ears for the Buffalo as the management plan continues to fail our Last Wild Bison
BFC Co-founder & Campaign Coordinator, Mike Mease, shares the hard truth from the field...with the Buffalo
Once again we witness the effect of the outdated and unjust Interagency Bison Management Plan. As the Plan enters its 30th year, the time is now to look to Tribal Co-stewardship of and Co-existence with our only free roaming herds of Buffalo.
Here on the frontlines, when a herd of Buffalo dares to leave Yellowstone National Park, one gets shot and the rest of the family retreats back into the Park. This has happened twice this Winter here on the west side. These Buffalo have not returned and will not until they have to for survival.
The Plan has made Buffalo quit being Buffalo; adapting their natural behavior to survival tactics. When 1/3 of the herd is killed in a year do you not think the Buffalo know?
None of our wildlife need management, as they know their place on this earth, it is the humans that need management as they have lost their way.
BFC Advisory Board Member & Fine Artist, Thia Martin, uses her art to celebrate a time of coexistence and right relationship
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