Buffalo Field Campaign
Buffalo Field Campaign
Help Save the Yellowstone Buffalo!
official site of the buffalo field campaign
official site of the buffalo field campaign

Buffalo are something that we must defend in order to preserve not only our connection with nature, but our integrity and sense of responsibility. Because it’s not just about Buffalo, or stopping people from killing these animals. It extends far further than that. Fighting for the Buffalo is about fighting for a Native people who’ve been oppressed by a colonizer that believes it can take and do whatever it wants to its surroundings without consequence. Fighting for the Buffalo is about reconnecting with nature and understanding it as a living organism we depend on, rather than an inanimate resource that’s ours for the taking.  This fight is about standing up for the oppressed, and in doing so, standing up for ourselves. It’s about reconnecting with reality and truth, and disconnecting from separation and selfishness. ~ Jacob Faye, BFC Kitchen Coordinator, Field Season 2025-25. 


bfc volunteers group photo may 2024